Some times we don't want our personal folders to share with anybody. There are many software available in the market to lock folders. But here is a trick which enables you to lock folder without using any software. If you are interested doing so follow these steps:

1) Create a folder in local disk. (It is possible that you have an existing folder you wants to lock but test this trick by creating a new folder then apply it for the folder you want to).

2) Now suppose you have created a folder in D: drive named personal . If you want to lock this personal
 folder create a text file in same directory & type.

     ren personal personal.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}

& save it in same directory as lock.bat or any name of your choice.
(when you will double click on this file it will lock the file)

3) Now to unlock your folder. Create a new text file in same directory & type..

     ren new.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} new

& save it in same directory as unlock.bat or any name of your choice.

4) That's it.. Now to check result click on lock.bat file. Your locked folder will take you to control panel.
    To get folder back click on unlock.bat. You will retain folder as it is.

(if you don't want these two .bat files to be seen by others make them hidden & whenever you want them to access find hidden files click on them & retain folder)
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