Hide a local drive using Command Prompt

Hide a local drive using Command Prompt

There are three methods of Hiding Local Drives
>> with help of GPEDIT
>> with help of REGEDIT
>> with help of CMD
Lets check it out how to hide your local drive with command prompt.. (CMD)

>> go to start >> run >> type CMD >> press enter

>> black window will appear

>> type diskpart & enter
>> that will desplay list of drives you have in My Computer
>> now type drive letter you wants to hide
>> like if you want to hide E drive.. Type
      Select volume E
>> Hit enter (below message will appear in cmd window)
>> Now type   remove letter E  and press enter..
Thats it you are done.. but dont worry you can get back your Drive as it is..

To recover your Hidden drive

>> Click on start >> Run >> cmd >>
>> Type diskpart - list volume - select volume 4
>> Now type assign letter E and press enter
have fun..........................
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