How to Fix Blue Screen of Death

How to Fix Blue Screen of Death

Blue Screen of Death is a very common error that occurs in all the  versions of the Windows OS, be it Win XP, or Win Vista or Windows 7.  A  lot of major as well as minor hardware and software related issues can  lead to Blue Screen of Death (BSOD). Sometimes you can resolve the issue  by simply solving it by restarting your PC. However, many times the  BSOD screen won’t allow you to reach the desktop or even if you have  reached the desktop, the BSOD screen can appear all of a sudden while  you are doing something important on your PC.
BSODs appear when Windows encounters a serious problem and stalls the  operating system. You can easily fix BSOD issues by examining all the  factors that has triggered it. Here are some things you should do when  you encounter a BSOD:

1. Some BSODs are so bad that you may end up installing fresh copy of  Windows on your system. If you are not able to access your data after  the occurrence of BSOD, you may also end up losing all your precious  data. So, you need try your best to reach the desktop. You can try the  ‘Last Known Good Configuration’ option or by going into the Safe Mode.  You can try both of these options by pressing the F8 key before the  appearance of the Windows loading screen. If you do it correctly, you  will see the ‘Windows Advanced Options Menu’ screen where you will see  options like Safe Mode, Safe Mode with Networking and Last Known Good  Configuration.
2. When you see the BSOD, you should read the message that appears on it  carefully. Usually, the error screen contains a ‘STOP ERROR’ code that  consists of numbers and alphabets. The code varies depending on the  problems that have caused the respective BSOD error. So, the first thing  you need to do is make a note of the error code.


3. If your system is displaying the BSOD screen after recent  installation of hardware or software, you can try uninstalling the  hardware or software and see if that resolves the issue. After  uninstalling the software that caused the problem, you can perform virus  scan on your system. Repairing registry errors by making use of  registry applications can help in getting rid of BSODs that are caused  by software. Alternatively, you can also try the System Restore option  to go back to a date when your system was working perfectly fine.

4. The next thing you need to is to find out what has caused the BSOD by  researching on the internet. You can do this on your secondary PC. All  you need to do is type the STOP ERROR code on Google and find out what  solutions are available. A very good way to find solution for all kinds  of BSOD errors is to visit the Microsoft Support website. At Microsoft  Support, you will get all the possible solutions that you can try to get  rid of the BSOD screen.
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